
Anorak News | Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What? It really is a flying Superman?!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What? It really is a flying Superman?!

by | 2nd, January 2013

IMAGINE for a moment, that you’re riding around with a friend in SoCal, and suddenly, one of you notices that Superman is flying over your head.

You’d either die from happiness or start leaping around, crazed and unable to process the information and ending up throwing up all over yourself, before hurtling yourself into the sea.

Well, two chaps encountered exactly that after some bright spark managed to make AND FLY a remote-controlled model Superman.

Kyle Gough was cycling with a friend on the Pacific Coast Highway at Carlsbad when the superhero flew by, and of course, he immediately whipped his phone out and started filming it.

Gough said:

“During our casual conversation, Superman flew by. We stopped, got off our bikes just in time to watch him land. After a quick battery change, I grabbed the only thing I had on me and took some video of what is easily the coolest custom RC (remote control) plane I’ve ever seen. Damn near life-size and complete with a cape.”

Watch some footage of the Superman below and prepare to feel very, very jealous:

Posted: 2nd, January 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink