
Anorak News | Wild deer runs through the streets of Chelmsford to signal end of world

Wild deer runs through the streets of Chelmsford to signal end of world

by | 4th, January 2013

BADGERS are collapsing roads, tiny horses are using public transport, cows are harder than you and catfish are killing land mammals. Slowly but surely, animals are showing humans that they’re coming for them and that mankind’s time is nearing an end.

We’ve been warning you all for ages, yet no-one is taking us at all seriously.

The people of Chelmsford in Essex aren’t laughing. Firstly, they’re represented by TOWIE and secondly, a wild deer has galloped through the city’s streets, knocking over people as it went, clearly on a scouting mission by forest dwellers to see if beasties can start overthrowing us or not.

A woman in her twenties got taken to hospital after receiving cuts and bruises when the deer attempted to jump over her/attack her until she was dead.

There’s CCTV footage of it too, and gormless humans tootle along, rubbernecking and pointing uselessly while the deer shows incredible speed and, of course, deadly intent.

Essex Police set up roadblocks to stop the animal, but they couldn’t. That’s because animals are now smarter than humans and they’re going to kill us all.

You’ve been warned.

Posted: 4th, January 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink