Gun Appreciation Day twinned with Martin Luther King Day
THE head of Gun Appreciation Day says if black slaves had gun they would not have been slaves.
Two old catalysts of political violence in our history have been slavery and its child, racism. Slavery produces slave revolts, and requires eternal vigilance against them. Slave owners themselves sometimes saw the resulting violence as political. John Randolph of Roanoke, as brilliant as he was crazy, put the matter with his characteristic pith in a speech in 1811. The “poor slave” had lost “his habits of loyalty” thanks to the “infernal doctrine” of the French Revolution; now only “the gibbet and the wheel” could uphold “a sullen, repugnant obedience.”
Is it time for a revolution in who leads the pro-gun debate?
Posted: 13th, January 2013 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink