
Anorak News | Gun debate madness: Piers Morgan’s dead children take on Ben Shapiro’s Holocaust victims

Gun debate madness: Piers Morgan’s dead children take on Ben Shapiro’s Holocaust victims

by | 15th, January 2013

PIERS Morgan is trying to turn the gun debate in the US into his own circus. He wanted to put his head inside Ben Shapiro’s mouth. This is Shapiro who wrote the book:  Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans:

While President Obama and the left like to pretend that they oppose bullying with all their hearts and souls, the truth is far darker: the left is the greatest purveyor of bullying in modern American history. Bullying has morphed into the left’s go-to tactic, as they attempt to quash their opponents through fear, threat of force, violence, and rhetorical intimidation on every major issue facing America today.

Bullying? Oh, please. Bullying is what happens in playgrounds. Still, Morgan was self-promoting, as ever, and seemingly striving to epitomise the target’s in Shapiro’s tome.

Shapiro nailed him.

Morgan’s behaving like a dick. But Shapiro should know that the Holocaust analogy is a favourite of the pro-gun movement. It’s appalling. The idea that if the Jews had been better armed they could have fought back is a crock of crap. The NRA rep says black slaves, too, would have benefitted from guns.

No. That’s wrong. Sure, a few loons would have been shot. But, you see, the enemy that wanted to murder them and enslave them had bigger guns and State powers. An oppressed minorities could have fought off the oppressor had they only had some guns? Did Shapiro see what it took to defeat the Nazis?

Posted: 15th, January 2013 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink