
Anorak News | Photo emerges of Obama shooting shotguns for skeet

Photo emerges of Obama shooting shotguns for skeet

by | 28th, January 2013

AMERICA’S attitude to guns is right under the spotlight. Barack Obama wants increased gun control. Vice-President Joe Biden agrees. And then the fudging begins. Obams says he loves all that shootin’

In a wide-ranging interview with the New Republic, President Obama tackles slew of issues ranging from gun control to football, including this little gem when asked if he’d ever fired a gun: “Up at Camp David, we do skeet-shooting all the time. Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.”

A photo of Obama holding a gun now appears on the White House website (see above).

Not long after that, Biden says he likes guns, too. He says that shotguns keep you safe:

And if you want to know what skeet shooting is, don’t look here.

Posted: 28th, January 2013 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink