£75,000 raised to build Star Wars Death Star
WITH the news of Disney making a film about a young Han Solo (good move really as Han Solo is a cocky arse, which can only make for thrills and spills), some Star Wars fans will be weeping into their laps because they don’t like the idea of Mickey Mouse having anything to do with George Lucas’ brainchild (yeah, and he really looked after the franchise didn’t he?).
And so, in a bid to stop any of these new Star Wars films from taking off, an unlikely project has arisen: Star Wars fans have raised £75,000 to build an actual Death Star.
Of course, this is a Kickstarter project, and obviously the project wants to make a planet-sized destroyer with a devastating laser beam that could blow up a moon!
Gnut.co.uk said the superweapon is needed in the light of “continuing threats” against Earth.
And, oddly, in just 48 hours, supporters pledged £75,000 of cash, but not nearly as big a dent of the £20million needed. The site impishly promises a thank you and “the knowledge that we’re one step towards a safer planet” in return for £1.
Gnut.co.uk took up the campaign after a petition to the US government fell by the wayside. The White House said: ‘We don’t have a Death Star, but we do have a president who knows his way around a lightsaber.’
Are these the people who write ‘Jedi’ on their census forms?
Posted: 8th, February 2013 | In: Film, Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink