
Anorak News | Guards find phone after prisoner’s anus starts ringing

Guards find phone after prisoner’s anus starts ringing

by | 12th, February 2013

CRIMINALS can be wily, smart and cunning… but for the most part, they’re very, very thick. We’ve all seen the footage of various burglars making berks of themselves on CCTV, failing to kick doors in and wearing mop buckets on their heads.

Well, one ne’er-do-well takes the biscuit after his arse starting ringing while in the clink.

The Sri Lankan prisoner was obviously trying to hide a mobile phone up his bum (hopefully it wasn’t one of those ’80s ones that were the size of a briefcase), but alas, when his colon started chirruping away at the Welikada Prison, his game was up.

Wardens took no time in shipping the convict off to the national hospital in Colombo, where doctors got the delightful job of removing a phone from a crim’s poo-shoot, hopefully not on ‘vibrate’.

A prison official revealed:

“The man had concealed the phone inside his person. Unfortunately for him, the phone rang at the wrong time and guards knew he had a phone at the wrong end.”

Now change your ring tone…

Posted: 12th, February 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink