Google Maps grasses up man cheating on fiance
THE internet has done wonders for people’s sex lives, enabling them to flirt more confidently and meet other people without having to brave a bar filled with stouty burps first. However, with every silver lining is a dirty great raincloud, as one Russian lothario soon discovered.
While browsing Google Maps, a Russian lady found that her other-half was having it away with someone else. Marina Voinova, from Perm (where everyone looks like the Liverpool FC squad in the early ’80s), was looking for an address online and, when switching to the Street View feature, she saw an image of her fiance cuddling up to another woman.
Voinova had been with her partner Sasha, for five years and realised that the picture was taken the previous summer when Sasha broke his arm. Wearing a cast in the image, she knew immediately that he’d been up to no good.
She told
“When Sasha came home, I immediately called him to the computer and asked him to find that address in the map. When the image loaded, Sasha’s face changed in colour. I looked in his eyes, waiting for an explanation.”
Soon, Sasha confessed and told Voinova that he had made a mistake and didn’t love the other woman. Clearly, having seen Joey Greco’s ‘Cheaters’, she decided to haul his ass out onto the street.
“At first I regretted searching for that address on the Internet, but eventually realised that it was silly to blame the web for my boyfriend’s unfaithfulness.”
And just in case you were thinking that this could’ve been wriggled out of, in Russia, online maps don’t blur out people’s faces, which means this bloke was doomed from the off.
Posted: 26th, February 2013 | In: Strange But True, Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink