The greatest rope-swing in the whole world (Video)
EXAGGERATION is key when telling people about the rope-swings of your youth. Of course, some of us did indeed have perilous fun on ropey death-traps, with a variety of injury stories and hilarious swearing that results from landing on your genitals after an aged, withered branch snaps.
However, some people don’t need to hype things up at all. That’s because some people jump off cliffs.
Attaching ropes and whatnot to the top of a canyon in Utah, some clearly objectionable hippie sorts have created what is surely the greatest rope-swing in human history.
And the whole thing was captured by filmmaker Devin Graham, who said:
“I realised with the power of YouTube you are your own boss, and you don’t have to report a movie company or studio. The only people you are reporting back to is your audience. To me, that is so much more rewarding than working with a studio or anyone else.”
Even though Devin is probably right, it’s hard not to be irritated by that. He’s probably got really white teeth and has loads of money as well, which means we can be justifiably jealous too.
Anyway, have a look at this ball-tighteningly exciting ropey in the film below.
Posted: 4th, March 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink