Justin Bieber: The birth of the Super Brat
FOR some time now, Justin Bieber has been an arsehole. He’s flipped the bird at photographers, implied that women deserved to be raped, vomited on-stage, been accused of being unfaithful to Selena Gomez, smoked, boozed, not given too frigs if his fans cut themselves and now, he’s turning up late for shows showing incredible contempt for his wickle fans.
Now he’s in his late teens, he’s all set to implode. We advise you get some popcorn in and watch the show.
Nearly an hour late, Bieber toddled out on-stage at the O2 Arena in London, met by a chorus of boos and general disgruntlement. And only today did the pint-sized singer get around to apologising, writing on Twitter that it wasn’t his fault, but rather, “technical issues”.
“Last night I was scheduled after 3 opening acts to go on stage at 935 not 830 but because of some technical issues I got on at 10:10,” he wrote. “There is no excuse and I apologise for anyone we upset. However it was great show and I’m proud of that.”
“I never have any intent to upset or let anyone down. And I’m not okay with things being exaggerated. Once again sorry for anyone upset,” added the gyrating foetus.
Bieber was due out at 21:30 following performances from Carly Rae Jepsen and Cody Simpson who weren’t late at all. However, it was after ten when he arrived, which is a full three hours after most Justin Bieber fans are supposed to be in bed.
While they waited, the arena DJ played the same songs over and over, which only served to wind every up even more.
Speaking outside the venue, one fan said: “They were playing Michael Jackson song, after song, after song – it was so annoying. Everyone was on edge and as more time passed, everyone was getting more worried and booing.”
Louise Collier from Bexleyheath, Kent, took her daughter to the show for her birthday. She paid £120 for two tickets but said: “There’s no way I would have let her go if I knew it was going to be that late. She enjoyed it – but a definite shine has been taken off it and if she wants to see him again, she will have to save up and pay for the tickets herself as I won’t be paying.”
“My daughter was very disappointed as he played a much shorter set and there was obviously an awful lot of songs missing. I think he was on stage for only an hour.”
Next stop: Hard drugs to ravage his little porcelain face and a series of floozies wreck his reputation as he crash lands spectacularly in pop’s scrapheap.
Posted: 5th, March 2013 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink