Russian bus driver nicknamed ‘The Punisher’ for ramming into cars [VIDEO]
DRIVING is an infuriating pastime at the best of times, with jams, woefully under-maintained roads and worst of all, other drivers. Those swine tailgate you, beep, swear, swerve and cut you up.
One Russian bus driver has got an answer for this bozos and talks to them in a language bad drivers understand – equally dangerous driving. Alexei Volkov has been given the nickname ‘The Punisher’ as he delivers vigilante justice to motorists who cut in front of him.
Volkov’s approach is a basic one – if you swerve in front of me, I’ll ram into you. I may even speed up.
Of course, most Russian vehicles are fitted with cameras, which means we can all enjoy The Punisher in action
In an interview, he said
“The situation is gradually improving … due to my educational work,” which amounts to altercations with over a hundred cars. He’s also completely unrepentant and, perhaps more astonishing, is that Even more remarkable the company he works for doesn’t care either.
“If there is no fault of mine, the management doesn’t care. The bus usually gets only minor damage. If the damage is more serious, they just wait for the insurance payments and then repair it.”
Watch The Punisher in action
Posted: 12th, March 2013 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink