
Anorak News | Marriage proposal hit by massive wave (video)

Marriage proposal hit by massive wave (video)

by | 12th, March 2013


ROMANCE. It doesn’t work. Kissing in the rain isn’t nice, it’s horrible. Rose petals on a bed? That’s just a load of decaying bits of flower that’ll need hoovering up. Chocolates give you diabetes and making love requires you to take clothes off your horrible string of sausages body.

One chap found out that romance is stupid when he took his loved one to the sea to pop the special question (please note: there is absolutely nothing special about getting married because any idiot can do it – it is less special than whistling because not everyone can do that). (Did she turn you down – ed?)

The roaring sea, the moonlight, the ambience! Oh, the sea! How wonderful and romantic you are!

The pair soon found out that nature has no time for romance by hitting the gooey couple with a massive wave during the proposal. The brief moment of excitement was soon taken over by a wall of water filled with fish faeces and condoms. The couple were swept off their feet seconds after the would-be grrom got down on one knee.

Mercifully for the man’s finances, he managed to hold on to the engagement ring and, the sentimental among you will be thrilled to learn that she said ‘yes’ and they both found it all very funny.

Now, let us watch nature swiping at the notion of love with a big wet paw.

Posted: 12th, March 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink