
Anorak News | Emma Watson won’t be getting really naked in Fifty Shades of Grey

Emma Watson won’t be getting really naked in Fifty Shades of Grey

by | 18th, March 2013

emma watson 50 shades

FIFTY Shades of Grey completely took over the world, giving people the chance to indulge themselves in the darker side of Mills and Boon and revel in some of the most clunky euphemisms for the vagina ever committed to a page. All good fun and a rather sweet way of getting your rocks off, compared to brutal 3 minute internet clips of tattooed LA starlets getting ravaged by men hung like wheelie-bins.

A film adaptation of EL James’ ‘Fifty Shades’ was inevitable and 99% of the world’s press rubbed their thighs with mucky fever, talking openly about which famous actress they’d most like to see getting spanked on the silver screen.

The early forerunner was Emma Watson, mainly because male writers had always fancied her, but she was a child so it would’ve been creepy to announce it… but now she’s a bona fide adult, it wasn’t creepy at all to will all her clothes off and see her in a variety of compromising positions, dressed up like Madonna’s ‘SEX’ book.

Until now, Watson has been pretty quiet about the whole thing, but broke her silence on Twitter where she went on something of a rant.

She said:

“Who here actually thinks I would do 50 Shades of Grey as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life.”

Her follow-up was merely a single question mark. 15 hours later, she signed off with: “Good. Well that’s that sorted then.”

The rumours, despite protestations, have thus far persisted thanks to a ‘leak’ from hacking collective Anonymous, who claimed to have obtained a studio document linking Watson to the film.

Other actresses that have been linked to the role of Anastacia Steele are Mila Kunis and Keira Knightley while Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum and Henry Cavill have all been linked to the role of Christian Grey. However, it looks like no-one who already has a decent career will want to sign-up for this, leaving only those with middling careers who want to make a name for themselves in the same way Sharon Stone did with Basic Instinct.

So who does that leave? Our money is on someone from a popular TV show who wants to make it in the movies. How about Kat Dennings from Two Broke Girls and Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist? She’s already appeared naked online and may want to go mainstream famous through the silver screen?

Posted: 18th, March 2013 | In: Books, Film, Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink