
Anorak News | Church refuses straight weddings until gay marriage is recognised

Church refuses straight weddings until gay marriage is recognised

by | 19th, March 2013

green street marriage church

RECENTLY in Britain, ‘gay marriage’ became plain old ‘marriage’, but over in America, things aren’t quite as rosy. American’s still love being told what to do by a man from the middle east, it seems. However, one of Jesus’ flock has decided to make a stand by saying that they’ll be stopping straight people from tying the knot until gay marriage gets the green light by the state of North Carolina.

The Green Street United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem has publicly slated North Carolina’s position to prohibit same-sex marriage and “all the rights and privileges marriage brings”.

They said:

“The statement is being adopted as a sign of our commitment to love and justice for all people. The Marriage Covenant between two people is a ministry of the church. Couples making a commitment to one another need a supportive community of faith to sustain and uphold them so as to grow in faith and love.”

“At Green Street Church, we claim the committed same-sex relationships as no less sacred in their ministry to us and the community.”

“We, the leaders of Green Street Church, see people in same-sex relationships as completely worthy of the Sacrament of Marriage. We reject any notion that they are second class citizens in the Kingdom of God.”

Take that, straight berks!

Reverend Kelly Carpenter further explained further:

“We were trying to find a way to be more of a public witness to our own denomination. It’s also a message to other United Methodists. We feel that we’re a church that’s very welcoming to gays and lesbians, and we want our denomination to be welcoming as well.”

The Westboro Baptist Church were unavailable for comment, but probably said something about God hating fags or something.

Posted: 19th, March 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink