
Anorak News | The 105th Archbishop of Canterbury enthroned and picked apart by the Red Nose liberal elite

The 105th Archbishop of Canterbury enthroned and picked apart by the Red Nose liberal elite

by | 22nd, March 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury Enthronement

THE 105th Archbishop of Canterbury has been sat on the Diocesan Throne and the Cathedral Chair. At the Cathedral, the Christian child, played by Evangeline Kanagasooriam, answered his knock at the oak doors.

“Who are you and why do you request entry?”

“I am Justin, a servant of Jesus Christ, and I come as one seeking the grace of God, to travel with you in his service together.”

The Archbishop does not do balconies. His message is of One Nation togetherness.

I, Justin Portal Welby, do so affirm, and accordingly declare my belief in the faith which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds and to which the historic formularies of the Church of England bear witness; and in public prayer and administration of the sacraments, I will use only the forms of service which are authorised or allowed by Canon.

He’s a breath of fresh air is stultifying world. And he’s easy to mock for the non-believer. As Cranmer notes:

The BBC has received over two thousand complaints following its Red Nose Day sketch featuring Rowan Atkinson mocking the new Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby as an unbelieving trendy fool… The better one likes, understands and respects a subject, the better the jokes. But on Red Nose Day, the humour ran flat with a trace of nastiness about it…

Rowan Atkinson reprised for the umpteenth time a tired routine and that might have worked had he and Curtis not tried to be ‘edgy’ with ‘Keep on praying – it doesn’t work, but it’s a good part of a getting-to-sleep routine if you’ve got insomnia’…

There are many in this country who are less than convinced that foreign aid works.

There are, indeed, billions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts which might support that view, but do you not imagine that if a ‘comedian’ had thrown in the line ‘Keep on giving – we know it doesn’t work but it will make you feel better’ – that some research assistant would not have warned that it might just be a little counter-productive?

You can push him because he won’t push you back.

One commentator offers:

Watched  some of the ceremony and found the whole spectacle a bit  creepy and the sentiments expressed very camp.  The participants were so unctious and respectful that perhaps the whole establishment of the C of E would benefit from an infusion of testosterone to improve its unappealing, limp image.


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The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby during a service inside Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, Kent for his enthronement.

Posted: 22nd, March 2013 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink