
Anorak News | Golfer Sergio Garcia climbs tree for a one-handed shot from a branch!

Golfer Sergio Garcia climbs tree for a one-handed shot from a branch!

by | 26th, March 2013

sergio garcia

GOLF is strange sport which pits man against a small hole and a lot of weather. It provoked King George V to spit “golf always makes me so damned angry!” Ace golfer Sergio Garcia said: “Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle.”

And it was Sergio that created a little sporting miracle all of his own while competing in the 2013 Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, Florida.

Garcia found himself in a spot of bother on the par-4 10th hole, finding his ball had got stuck up a tree. Undeterred, our Sergio decided that this was a playable shot.

Sergio clambered up the tree, found the ball and decided the best thing to do would be to play a backward one-handed shot, much to the amazement of the assembled, and increasingly giddy throng! However, while the shot wasn’t bad at all, it didn’t end well.

Garcia said on his website: “First I climbed to identify the ball, and I saw I could hit it one-handed. Luckily it went OK.”

However, the result of scampering up a tree saw him suffering from soreness in his left shoulder and Achilles.

“It wasn’t an easy decision,” he explained. “I wanted to keep playing and finish the round and the tournament, even though it was not my best day.”

“But soreness grew and [I] decided to pull back to avoid further injuries.”

So there you go. One of the more memorable shots in golfing history, but alas, one that injured the man who played it. Not this would deter Garcia.

As Pete Dyesaid:  “The ardent golfer would play Mount Everest if somebody put a flagstick on top.”

Watch the brilliant shot here.


Posted: 26th, March 2013 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink