
Anorak News | Thief snatches bag before KOing himself with a window (video)

Thief snatches bag before KOing himself with a window (video)

by | 2nd, April 2013

thief door glass

THIEVES aren’t funny if they’re stealing from you, but when they’re removed, bungling idiots, then we can all hoot away to our heart’s content because frankly, they deserve it.

And so, to a man in Perth who snatched someone’s handbag in a shopping centre.

After making off with the bag, the ne’er-do-well legged it (at an admittedly impressive lick), which was caught on CCTV. However, also caught on camera was his inability to determine the difference between an open door and a big plate glass window.

The Ballajura Burglar was trying to leg it away from the crime, but came a cropper with the window, knocking himself out and going straight through it, the great galoot!

The way the robber goes fast asleep as he careers into the window is grimly funny and of course, it made it easier for him to be apprehended didn’t it? Of course it didn’t. You see, burglars aren’t the only dimwits on this godforsaken planet of ours.

Bystanders promptly helped the robber to his feet before the bag-snatcher was met by an accomplice who dragged his lifeless pal into a waiting stolen car.


Posted: 2nd, April 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink