
Anorak News | ‘Evil’ Mick and Mairead Philpott turn three-child families into State pariahs

‘Evil’ Mick and Mairead Philpott turn three-child families into State pariahs

by | 4th, April 2013

mick philpott

MICK Philpott did not kill six of his children unaided. As guilty as the father are his wife Mairead Philpott and Paul Mosley, a family friend. But the tabloids only focus on him. Most often, there’d be thousands of words written about the woman. The Press have a special hatred for women who kill children. But Mairead Philpott seems to have dodged the tabloids’ gaze. Paul Mosley is almost invisible.

Why does the Mirror say only Mick Philpott is “Pure Evil“? The Express says both Philpotts are “evil“. But the Star calls him a “Devil Dad“, but not Maired Philpott a Devil Mum. Why not? Why isn’t Paul Mosley evil?

It’s because this is about the State’s role in the deaths of six children. The Mail prefers to target the Welfare State over attacking the woman. It wants to look at the system social and services department in Derby that allowed an violent, unemployed man who’d served time for stabbing a woman to live with his children. This is Mick Philpott, the feckless father of 17 but five women who boasted about living off the State on a TV documentary fronted by former Conservative MP Anne Widdecombe. This is media Mick, who sat on a chair in Jeremy Kyle’s ITV bear pit and lapped up the attention. 

Sure, Mick Philpott wanted revenge on his former live-in lover, Lisa Willis, with whom he and Mairead shared their home – he wanted to frame her for the fire. But when Willis left, taking her five children with her, she also took part of the man’s income.

The Times’s leader notes:

The birth rate in Britain tracks economic prosperity closely. People make decisions, sometimes heart-breaking decisions, about whether they can afford another child. They take responsibility for their own circumstances rather than pass them on to the collective pool of taxpayers. The welfare state’s generosity means no agonising of that kind is necessary. Child benefit is paid at £20.30 a week for the eldest child and an additional £13.40 a week for every subsequent child… It is time to look again at Iain Duncan Smith’s suggestion that child benefit be capped or limited to the first two children.

Yep. One violent, greedy, lazy, nutcase’s life is now a sign that three kids is one too many. It turns out that being evil is not a sign of demonic possession. It’s a lifestyle choice…



Posted: 4th, April 2013 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink