
Anorak News | Traffic warden sacked for taking photos of his victims

Traffic warden sacked for taking photos of his victims

by | 5th, April 2013

steven jarvis

NO-ONE likes traffic wardens. All they do is creep around and cost you money. They’ve got hearses clamped and probably smell like rotten fish.

And so, to Steven Jarvis, a traffic warden who tried to liven up his evil job by taking photos of motorists for ‘a book’ he was ‘working’ on. While that may not seem so bad, there’s the small matter of Jarvis telling drivers that he would help get their fines scrapped if they posed for a photo with their ticket.

Taking over 200 photos in two and a half years, it seems very few got any help with their tickets. That basically means he was being a double-twat.

He said:

“The pictures were for my book project. I told the drivers I could help them appeal by putting a note in my book. That’s why so many of them agreed to pose. But I didn’t give them any concrete assurances.”

He’s now been fired.

However, Jarvis claims that his bosses at parking firm NSL knew he was taking the photos in Brighton and Hove more than a year before they fired him.

Apparently, they banned him from using his work camera, but “I just carried on using my own. The pictures are fantastic, they’re really funny.”

When you’re boss asked you to stop taking pictures with the work’s camera, that invariably meant that it isn’t really on taking photos of people you’ve grassed-up and charged, so you should probably put your stupid camera away and, possibly, forcibly pop it into an area where the sun doesn’t shine.

NSL’s Belinda Webb confirmed he had been sacked and said his claims he could help fight the £70 fines were misleading, adding: “Traffic enforcement officers have no input in appeals.”

Posted: 5th, April 2013 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink