
Anorak News | Laugh as Toronto’s mayor walks into camera full tilt

Laugh as Toronto’s mayor walks into camera full tilt

by | 19th, April 2013


YOU have to be hard-nosed to survive in politics and Toronto’s mayor – Rob Ford – found this out the hard, literal way as he walked at full tilt into a TV camera.

Ford was rushing out of a committee meeting at Ontario’s City Hall when he walked briskly into the snout of a large camera.

“Ah f*** man. Holy Christ!” screamed the furious mayor as he wobbled around holding his eye. “Holy – guys have some respect, you just hit me in the face with a camera,” he then shouted before legging it with a security man.

Of course, Mr Ford has a bit of a reputation for running out of meetings at City Hall, forcing reporters to chase after him for questions and pushing cameramen against cement pillars.

Maybe this is a bit of comeuppance?

Either way, watch the video below as a man takes it in the face at great velocity. It is rather funny.

Posted: 19th, April 2013 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink