
Anorak News | Two-tonne bell falls on man, just like in the cartoons

Two-tonne bell falls on man, just like in the cartoons

by | 19th, April 2013

WWII North America

THERE are a number of injuries suffered in cartoons that would be unbearable agony in real life. How funny would it be to see a loved one getting hit by an anvil? Would you laugh if someone hit you repeatedly in the face in a bid to turn your teeth into piano keys? How about watching a man fall to his death while dressed in an Acme bird costume?

While all these things would be gut-wrenching to watch, sometimes, it does end in mild, but amusing peril.

Take for example, a man who had a two-tonne bell fell on top of him at a temple. Lin Wang was visiting with a friend that decided he was going to frantically ring the bell while his mate was standing underneath it.

Of course, this led to the rope holding the bell to snap, and the whole thing came tumbling down on him. Lin, bemused, didn’t know what the hell was going on and, pleasingly, the whole incident left him without injury.

“This bell is very old and should have been treated with respect,’ said a temple spokesman.

“Instead, it broke and the bell fell on top of the man like a trap. The bell is very heavy and he’s lucky he wasn’t crushed,” he added.

Emergency services managed to free Lin Wang after setting up winches and pulleys, but sadly, Lin didn’t come out shaped like a bell, wobbling around and making funny noises.Lin was undeterred despite the temple staff being annoyed.

Rather, Lin had this to say: “It’s a bell, it’s supposed to be rung. They should have made sure it was safe.”

Posted: 19th, April 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink