
Anorak News | Burglar phones police while robbing house

Burglar phones police while robbing house

by | 23rd, April 2013


MOST criminals didn’t listen in school, which is precisely why they end up robbing houses rather than learning how to evade tax. Such is the way of the world.

One crook showed particular stupidity after he phoned the police whilst he was in the middle of breaking into a house.

Marius Ionescu hid under a bed while burgling a house in Romania. He contacted emergency services after hearing a strange noise, assuming it was the sound of another burglar.

Police found no trace of another intruder and arrested Ionescu for attempted burglary, presumably wishing all criminals were good enough to get in touch mid-crime.

Police spokesperson Mihaela Straub said that the noise the man heard was “probably just the family cat”.

“He already has a criminal record for similar break-ins,” she explained, “and given his nervous disposition, he probably should look for another job.”

“He’s likely to have a lot of time inside jail to consider things.”

Posted: 23rd, April 2013 | In: Reviews, Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink