
Anorak News | Woman offered payrise to get branded for life with work’s logo

Woman offered payrise to get branded for life with work’s logo

by | 2nd, May 2013

Rapid-Realty tattoo copy

SOME people are thundering bozos and will do anything to get noticed. Take for example, the gasping simpleton that works for a New York real estate agency called Rapid Realty. RR are offering their staff a pay rise if they get a tattoo of the company logo. (On your arse? – ed)

In exchange for carrying a logo of a corporation, you get a 15% wage increase. Astonishingly, 40 members of staff have already taken up the offer.

One member of staff says it isn’t about the money. Robert Trezza says:

“I think it’s a good opportunity to show commitment to a company that makes going to work fun every day.”

Fellow employee Joseph Tighe added:

“My wife was a little concerned but I said, you know what, it was the best commitment I could think of.”

Just wait ’til one of these branded gitwits get fired.

Each Rapid Realty tattoo costs around $300 (£195) and the company don’t mind where you get the tattoo (someone should totally get one on their arsehole, for future mocking purposes).

Obviously, manager Lolli hasn’t got a company tattoo himself, as he clearly prefers to mock his underlings by making them pledge allegiance to him and his awful ideas of loyalty.

Have a look at this video and cry all the water out of your body.

Posted: 2nd, May 2013 | In: Money, Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink