
Anorak News | Weatherman gets unfortunate case of the hiccups on air

Weatherman gets unfortunate case of the hiccups on air

by | 15th, May 2013

david paul weather copy

HICCUPS are a pain at the best of times, but spare a thought for the poor sod who works as a weather presenter who got them while live on air.

Weatherman David Paul, who works for Houston’s KHOU-TV, endured nearly three minutes of throaty torment as he gamely ploughed through his report.

I have the hiccups of course, this is what happens right when we have heavy weather. But bear with me,” he joked.

Tremendous applause must be given to David for almost managing to control the myoclonic jerk of the diaphragm, and by god, it must’ve been embarrassing and irritating all at the same time.

Watch a master in action.

PS – the Michael Fish in the photo is in reference is to this.

Posted: 15th, May 2013 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink