
Anorak News | Builder survive 15 tonne building collapse (video)

Builder survive 15 tonne building collapse (video)

by | 24th, May 2013

tumblr_mmdhkrqTNK1qa6a6ho2_250WHEN a building collapses on you, you’ll probably think you’re a dead-man. Well, Jake Weir thought just that as he was demolishing one and it fell on him. All 15 tonnes of it.

The best bit? Someone caught it on film! Hurray!

Weir felt the full force of a load of bricks hitting him and pals managed to dig him out of the wreckage, before whisking him to hospital with his left leg hanging off.

Doctors at Nottingham’s Queens Medical Centre told him he would probably lose his leg, but thankfully, after a six-hour operation, the limb was saved.

Mr Weir, a former paratrooper, said:

“I remember the wall exploding and hitting me in the face. I was still conscious and I looked up and thought I’ve got to get out of here. Honestly, I thought I was gone, I thought that was it.

“I thought I was going to die, but when I saw the dust settle on the bricks and realised I was still alive my adrenalin kicked in and I started to drag myself out of the mess. I pulled myself from the rubble and looked down to see my legs in knots. I couldn’t feel any pain though – it was a strange sensation, I was just numb.

“It was certainly a wake-up call which makes you put your life in perspective. I’m just so thankful I’m alive.”

Have a look at the accident here.

Posted: 24th, May 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink