
Anorak News | Kid confronts illegally parked police officer getting food and goes viral in the process

Kid confronts illegally parked police officer getting food and goes viral in the process

by | 7th, May 2013

cop parked jeremy drew

OVER in America, they have a funny relationship with the police. Basically, they revere and loathe their force in equal measure. Wait, that’s like every country in the Western world.

One difference is, is that Americans are much better at being wise-asses with their police, and a video of a 12 year old boy confronting a police officer has gone viral.

Young pup, Jeremy Drew, filmed himself talking to a cop after he catches him illegally parked. Fearlessly, the boy demands to see the officer’s badge number.

This is where the bad PR comes in. Instead of admiring the boy’s chutzpah, the officer refuses to listen to the boy’s request and drives off.

He could’ve had a small chuckle or explained why he wasn’t breaking the law (if indeed, he wasn’t), or rode it out with the kid in a fun manner. However, grumpy as hell, he refuses and refuses and asks ‘what, are you a lawyer?’ like a terrific berk.

The video has shown huge popularity in the last 24 hours, racking up 2.4 million views on YouTube.

Posted: 7th, May 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink