
Anorak News | Robber thwarted by a face full of chilli

Robber thwarted by a face full of chilli

by | 8th, May 2013


WHEN you’re faced with someone trying to rob you, it is difficult not to freeze in terror. However, that’s the polar opposite of Joanna Tarnoski’s actions as she dealt with Tyrone Holmwood, who got a little hot-headed.

Tyrone was trying to rob the till at a takeaway shop in Sydney, but it all got a bit too hot to handle for the bozo as he soon found he had a bucket of chilli on his stupid head.

Tarnoski, in a bid to stop the robbery, threw the chilli across his face, leaving the alleged robber with minor burns.

“I didn’t think twice, I just wanted to protect myself,” said Ole takeaway employee Ms Tarnoski. “I threw all the chilli on his face here and then he got crazy because of that.”

The police arrested him at the scene of the attempted crime and his clothes are probably ruined with bright orange sauce.

The burglar’s father spoke outside the court after his son had received a charge of assault with intent to rob. Of course, being a straight talking Australian, dad was in no mood to defend his offspring.

He said:

“Good on them. I would have poured hot fat over his head. You know, any right person can protect themselves if they’re getting robbed. He’s lucky he only got chilli over his head.”

If you can’t stand the heat…

Posted: 8th, May 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink