
Anorak News | Woman offers virginity to Burt Reynolds in video

Woman offers virginity to Burt Reynolds in video

by | 8th, May 2013

Burt Reynolds

ARE you a virgin? Ever thought of selling your virginity? Well, one young lady is offering hers to Burt Reynolds, not that she actually knows him.

And the 24-year-old doesn’t really have her virginity in tact, but rather, she has a ‘born-again virginity’, whatever that means. And Burt Reynolds can have it, free of charge.

Trisha Paytas made the plea via YouTube after being inspired by the girl who sold her virginity and the Afghanistan sergeant who asked Mila Kunis to accompany him to the Marine Corps Ball.

“I have been celibate for three years – over three years – so my hymen is basically closed back together,” she said.

“And I was thinking, ‘oh my gosh’ – it kinda just hit me – and the one person I would break my celibacy for and give my born-again virginity to free of charge is the one and only Burt Reynolds.”

“I am in love with you, I am in love with your movies, and I have an infatuation with your penis.”

Reynolds hasn’t responded to the video, but he should hurry up. As Trisha points out – she’d like him to respond before he dies because she’s not really into necrophilia.

Watch her video here

Posted: 8th, May 2013 | In: Celebrities, Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink