
Anorak News | Car hit by flying toilet

Car hit by flying toilet

by | 9th, May 2013

toilet flying

DRIVERS will testify that driving itself, is pretty cool. The freedom of the open road, listening to tunes in your car and being free to go anywhere is one of life’s best pleasures. However, it is constantly spoiled by everything else.

You have to feel for the poor sod who was driving around, only to find that their wheels were hit by a flying toilet.

The driver was on her way to school in Thorndike, Maine, when out of nowhere, he motor was thronked by a portable toilet that didn’t have any business travelling through the sky.

Local chief deputy Jeff Trafton said she tried to swerve away from the large object, which flew out of a delivery truck. Ronnie Furrow may have a brilliant name, but he’s also responsible for the flying latrine, and has been issued a summon for not properly securing his load.

Mercifully, the toilet in question was confirmed as being clean, reports BDN Maine.

Imagine if it wasn’t. The teenagers turning up at school looking like a silage equivalent of Carrie would’ve ensured a bullying that would’ve lasted the rest of her waking days.

Posted: 9th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink