
Anorak News | Couple break-up on jumbo screen ‘kiss cam’

Couple break-up on jumbo screen ‘kiss cam’

by | 10th, May 2013

Fresno Grizzlies cam

FANS at the Fresno Grizzlies baseball team got more than they bargained for when the kiss cam did the rounds at their stadium.

Normally, when the kiss cam zooms in on two people, they kiss and everyone whoops. It being America, they only look out for straight couples, but you have to give the USA a little leeway, what with it being 10 minutes old compared to the rest of the world.

However, one couple weren’t in the mood for love and split-up with each other on cam.

The girlfriend of the pair wanted to show her affection for her fella when they appeared on the Jumbotron. Sadly for her, he wasn’t in the mood.

Repeatedly taking a call and shooing her away, the feisty gal got the hump and ended up tipping an enormous drink all over her beau, before storming off.

Now, you’ll have to decide for yourselves if the whole thing is staged or not. Watch the video below.

Posted: 10th, May 2013 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink