
Anorak News | Disney give Brave’s Merida the make-over – let’s pull her to pieces

Disney give Brave’s Merida the make-over – let’s pull her to pieces

by | 14th, May 2013

disney merida princess

ALL hail the new Disney Princess, a fairy-nosed, thick-haired, thin – THIN! – big-eyed cartoon of dreamy perfection. VitaminW notes how Disney have worked their magic on Merida, break-out star of the 2012 cartoon film Brave.

The new Merida is on the left. The old Merida is on the right. What changed?

Well, Vitamin W spots:

  • Sleeker, longer hair with more body

  • Larger eyes and more arched eyebrows

  • Plumper lips

  • A thinner waist

  • More obvious breasts

  • An overall more adult and less adolescent appearance

  • Lighter colored and more ornate gown

  • A lower cut neckline that also shows more shoulder

  • Perhaps most symbolically, her bow and arrows have disappeared in favor of a fashionable belt

We’d add:

Her hands are behind her back.

She’s got slimmer feet. You know what Walt said about small feet…

Old Merida had an easy smile. New Merida looks more self-conscious.

But is Vitamin W being entirely fair? It would appear not. The image released by Disney looks like this:



In neither version does Merida have freckles…

Posted: 14th, May 2013 | In: Film 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink