
Anorak News | Eagle snatches fisherman’s haul

Eagle snatches fisherman’s haul

by | 20th, May 2013

eagle fishermen copy

FISHING! Such a tranquil, noble past time eh? Languidly staring at the water, tactically working out fishy movements. That’s not blood quickening is it?

Not until an eagle appears from nowhere and snatches the fish you’ve caught with its horrible killer talons!

And mercifully for us, the whole incident was caught on camera so we don’t have to sit in near silence, smoking roll-ups for hours while sat on a bucket of maggots for hours on end.

Fisherman Norman Dreger, so shocked by the whole thing, wobbles and loses his balance.

Dreger explained: “This eagle stole a beautiful Dolly Varden char right off of my hook, then took all my backing and stole my fly too!”

Posted: 20th, May 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink