
Anorak News | In photos: Full kit hero John Terry and his kids win the Europa Cup for Chelsea

In photos: Full kit hero John Terry and his kids win the Europa Cup for Chelsea

by | 16th, May 2013

HE did it gain. Full-kit man John Terry came down from the stands to celebrate Chelsea’s Europa Cup win, and just as he did when the Blues won the Champions’ League last season, changed from casual clothes into full Chelsea kit. For added hilarity, he positioned his daughter at the very centre of the team photo. In years to come, when memories have faded, JT will be the family man who with his team of Terrios conquered Europe.


Terry’s kits during the match, in which he played no part.

Netherlands Soccer Europa League Final




Terry wins!

Netherlands Soccer Europa League Final




After 90 minutes action, Terry is immaculate. Look, mum, no grass stains!

Soccer - UEFA Europa League Final - Benfica v Chelsea - Amsterdam Arena




Terry and Chelsea’s pint-sized tyro grin for the cameras.

Soccer - UEFA Europa League Final - Benfica v Chelsea - Amsterdam Arena



Out the way, Fernando.  Move the Cup a bit to the right. The photographers want to see the stars.

Netherlands Soccer Europa League Final



NOTE: Do you have a trophy in need to lifting? If you do, call John Terry. NOW!

Photos of the match and the Chelsea fans are here.

Posted: 16th, May 2013 | In: Key Posts, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink