
Anorak News | Bus driver pranks kids in ace video!

Bus driver pranks kids in ace video!

by | 24th, May 2013

bus driver prank

HAIL to the bus driver, bus driver, bus driver… and so the song goes. Special hails should go to the driver who pranked the kids on his bus.

Students of a school were told by the driver that school had been cancelled for the day, and the children fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Captured on video, Bus Driver Man announces to his bus filled with snotty pupils that they will be dropped off at home once they check in at the school.

Naturally, the kids shriek like they’re on fire. The prospect of a day off to a child is only matched by the thrill of winding children up when you’re an adult.

One girl can be heard screaming “I hate you” repeatedly when she learns school has not been closed.

Watch the video here as the driver pwns a busload of children.

Posted: 24th, May 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink