
Anorak News | Stinking rich actress Zosia Mamet begs for money online for vanity project

Stinking rich actress Zosia Mamet begs for money online for vanity project

by | 30th, May 2013

TV-Zosia Mamet-GirlsKICKSTARTER projects are great for people with bright ideas and no money. Smart, broke people pitch their ideas to the ether and people offer to fund them with whatever they have.

It is a great system, unless you’re some wealthy swine who shouldn’t be begging to people considerably less well off than you.

Remember Zach Braff asking the public to fund Garden State II? That was thunderously irritating. Well, Zosia Mamet (or, Shoshanna from Girls) and her sister Clara want you – you with sod-all money compared to Zosia – to give them $32,000 so they can make a music video for their dreadful, twee folk band.

Now, here’s a thing – why should anyone give money to a vanity project of a wealthy actress and how on Earth do you justify spending $32k on a video, when most people manage on budgets that are much, much smaller?

They mustn’t have phones or laptops in LaLaLand.

Even worse is that you can be an extra in the video for $7,000… but “you must provide your own transportation and lodging”.  That’d be you, paying someone off the telly, for the privilege of giving up your time.

The project signs off with: “Your support for this project will be the backbone to a body of excited filmmakers, producers and musicians all making something from nothing.”

‘Nothing’ there. Yours for over thirty-thousand dollars.

Posted: 30th, May 2013 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink