Eight arrested as kindergarten graduation ends in hammer and stick fight
EIGHT people have been arrested following a fight at a kindergarten. The end-of-year graduation show at Michael R. White School was livelier than usual. Roseann Canfora, a spokeswoman for the city schools, says two teenage girls starteed to row over a spilled drink.
“There were no students from our school involved.”
Cleveland Police Commander Wayne Drummond adds:
“There were no guns, but one individual did pull out a club or a stick and one person did grab a hammer. Officers were able to separate the combatants.”
What kind of hammer you grab at a kindergarten is unclear.
CS Monitor says Drummond added:
“You had adults fighting adults, juvies fighting juvies, and so forth… You just had a melee here.”
Seven adults and one teenager were arrested.
Meanwhile, we’re wondering why a child needs to ‘graduate’ from kindergarten. And if you don’t graduate are you held back a year until you can recite all of Hickory Dickory Dock?
So what did you learn in kindergarten today, kids?
Photo: To de-Nazify these German children who from kindergarten have been taught the misrepresentations, hate and obscenities of Nazi Ideology is the tremendous task facing the United Nations’ educators and statesmen. The council of education on world citizenship and the London international assembly has advanced a general plan for the reeducation of German Youth. It believes reform must start from the cradle and work up through every facet of German life. These German youngsters are shown at a Hitler rally during the early days of HitlerÂs regime, April 5, 1935. (AP Photo)
Posted: 1st, June 2013 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink