
Anorak News | Teacher suspended after showing 11 year-olds Saw

Teacher suspended after showing 11 year-olds Saw

by | 12th, June 2013


REMEMBER the thrill of your teacher telling you that classwork was going to stop in favour of watching a film? Well, one teacher in France decided he’d do that with his class of 11 year-olds and showed them violent horror flick, Saw.

He’s suspended now. Of course he is.

Apparently, Jean-Baptiste Clément told his students: “This will be your first horror film.” It goes without saying that at least one pupil ended up at home looking distinctly unwell.

“He returned from school on Monday evening, visibly in some discomfort, not well,” said the father. “I asked him and he told me his maths teacher had shown them a horror film during class. At the moment the teachers are having staff meetings and parent-teacher meetings, so their classes are cut short and interrupted a bit.”

The father then went to the authorities.

Clement was suspended on Tuesday while the school investigated and will probably face further punishment. “We’re in the process of seeing what sort of legal measures we might be able to take in this case,” said a spokesperson for the school in Hauts-de-Seine.

If you haven’t seen Saw, it involves a masked serial killer who makes people perform gruesome acts on themselves as part of some dreadful sadistic ritual. If you ever went to Cambridge University law school, you’ll know the kind of thing…

Posted: 12th, June 2013 | In: Film, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink