
Anorak News | Mobility scooterist tosses cyclist into River Orwell – whose side are you on?

Mobility scooterist tosses cyclist into River Orwell – whose side are you on?

by | 14th, June 2013

scooter bike

MODERN etiquette: Whose side are you on in this story of mobility scooter rider v cyclist?

At around 3pm in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich, the elderly female scooter driver collided with a  younger male cyclist.

The cyclist was tossed from his bike into the River Orwell.

The woman did not stop.

Which party do you sympathise with?

You can drive both bicycles and mobility scooters without tax or insurance. You can use the roads paid for by other drivers who do have to have tax and insurance. Fast cycling and mobility scooter driving will not get you points on a licence.

But there are differences.

Under Laws HA 1835 sect 72 & R(S)A 1984, sect 129 of the Highway Code, cyclists must not ride on the pavement.

Mobility scooter riders are allowed on both pavement and road. The Highway Code states:

You MUST follow the same rules about using lights, indicators and horns as for other road vehicles, if your vehicle is fitted with them


When you are on the road you should obey the guidance and rules for other vehicles; when on the pavement you should follow the guidance and rules for pedestrians.

So scooterists must obey the same rules as all other road vehicles but can have no lights and ride on the pavement.

If you have faster scooter, you might need a licence. This is not for the driver. This is for the vehicle.

These faster scooters are limited to 8mph, yet:

These vehicles MUST NOT be used on motorways (see Rule 253). They should not be used on unrestricted dual carriageways where the speed limit exceeds 50 mph (80 km/h) but if they are used on these dual carriageways, they MUST have a flashing amber beacon.

You can ride a 8mph scooter on a dual carriage way so long as you have a light on a stick. Given the very high cost of motor insurance, why don’t the young all get these scooters?

It’s also true to say that you require no licence to walk nor jog. People emerging from shops are not required to wait at the traffic lights until the pavements are clear. And that too is incredible…



Posted: 14th, June 2013 | In: Reviews Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink