
Anorak News | Derek Acorah cancels gig thanks to “unforeseen ­circumstances”

Derek Acorah cancels gig thanks to “unforeseen ­circumstances”

by | 17th, June 2013

GET ready to mock a man who thinks he can talk to the ether. TV psychic Derek Acorah cancelled a show earlier this month due to “unforeseen ­circumstances”.

Just brilliant.

Acorah, and his terrifying Hollywood teeth, were due to perform at Carnegie Hall in Dunfermline, Fife, on June 8th. However, the show didn’t go ahead and a statement on the venue’s website read: “Please note – the performance at Carnegie Hall has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.”

Quite how someone who predicts the future can cancel a show due unforeseen circumstances is beyond us, but of course, it is hilarious to scoff at a fella who thinks it is alright to make money from talking to ‘the dead’.

Acorah’s booking agent Brian Shaw said that the show had been moved to the Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy on September 11th (the spirits would’ve been busy that night, eh?) due to “the other upcoming dates and for personal reasons”.

Acorah, for the record, claims he can speak to the dead when he contacts his Ethiopian spirit guide Sam. Just drink that fact in for a moment there.

Derek, talking with his mind, to a dead Ethiopian who most likely speaks Oromigna or Amharic rather than English.

Posted: 17th, June 2013 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink