EGADS! This giant albino snake knows how to open your bedroom door
WE are doomed. We are so doomed that it isn’t even nearly funny.
Basically, snakes have worked out how to open doors, which means, they’ll be able to escape from zoos, slither up to your house, let themselves in and then swallow you whole.
Want proof? Let us introduce you to Julius who lives in Germany. Julius is a gigantic, horrible yellow snake and, in the video below, you’ll see it breaking out of his room.
And when you see the size of Julius, you’ll know that there would be zero point trying to reason with him or indeed, trying to pick him up to put him back to whichever hellish place he lives.
Get ready to vomit.
Julius Escaping from Jenner on Vimeo.
Posted: 20th, June 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink