
Anorak News | Postmen frightened of pensioners ‘aggressive’ raspberries

Postmen frightened of pensioners ‘aggressive’ raspberries

by | 3rd, July 2013

raspberry fight

IN the age of the internet, the Royal Mail seem like a delightfully antiquated company, who must only deliver spam leaflets and postcards from elderly relatives these days.

However, they might be losing the oldsters now after one old coot got refused by the post office for his “aggressive” raspberry bush.

Mike Stevens, 67 years old, was visited by a Royal Mail boss who told him that his plant was a health hazard to postal staff and that, he would need trim his seven foot bush as the “fierce growth” could injure someone.

It used to be dogs that terrorised posties, but now, it seems to be plants. They’ve obviously been watching old episodes of the Triffids or something.

The pensioner from Shropshire said: “What is the world coming to?” He then added, gloriously:

“It is the postal service making the problem, not my raspberries. They are not malicious. They came round and told me they were aggressive raspberries.”

He added:

“It was a visit out of the blue. I have got a fierce growth apparently and the postmen are intimidated and threatened by it. But at the end of the day they are just raspberries and they taste lovely.”

Stevens also noted that he’s happy of posties to help themselves to raspberries… that’s if they don’t cry at the sight of fruit.

Val Bodden from the Royal Mail said:

“Following concerns expressed by a postwoman regarding access problems, a Royal Mail manager and a CWU union safety officer visited the ­premises. The owner agreed to tie back the bushes blocking the path to his letter box.

“We will not compromise on the health and safety of our postmen and women.”

PS – By the way. This is what a raspberry look like:

Posted: 3rd, July 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink