Police issue warning after burglar cooks eggs in the nude
THE problem with most criminals is that they’re boring. Mere smash ‘n’ grabs aren’t good enough in 2013. Our current crims won’t ever match the glamour of Hollywood diamond thieves and the like, so they need to get creative.
So thank the stars for the burglar in Vancouver who decided to break into someone’s house and, instead of making off with a flatscreen TV or PS3, they made their way to the kitchen and made themselves some supper.
Clambering through an open window, the burglar took a relaxing hot shower, before helping himself to the contents of the fridge. There, he decided eggs were on the menu and started cooking up a treat.
However, the inconsiderate homeowners returned home to spoil his day.
“The resident of the home comes into the kitchen and there is this guy naked and cooking dinner,” Constable Brian Montague told The Province. “This story highlights how many break-ins happen because people leave their doors or windows open.”
“It is a huge problem. The heat, that is why people leave their doors and windows open, and thieves know that.”
Brilliantly, the intruder was later found lying low in a nearby container before he was arrested and told to put some clothes back on and wipe all that runny egg from his knackers.
Bravo sir!
Posted: 5th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink