
Anorak News | What are the worst things about modern life? This is the Top Ten

What are the worst things about modern life? This is the Top Ten

by | 8th, July 2013

modern annoying

MODERN life, as Blur told us, is rubbish. There are so many things to get worked up about, especially those of us count ourselves in the number of bloated Western softarses.

So what’s so bad? Well, some people have decided to compile a top 50 list.

The biggest annoyance was being pressured into buying things by salesmen. 65% of people polled gave that as their top answer. Spam emails and pushy salespeople arrived at numbers two and three on the list, which means, people in sales are more hated than racists, sexists and people who torture in the basements.

Also on the list was various bugbears about trains, unloading the washing to find you left a tissue in and forgetting to put the bins out.

Of course, driving-related bugbears feature heavily. The top 10 is as follows:

1. Pressure selling

2. Spam emails

3. Pushy salespeople

4. Foreign call centres

5. Being put on hold

6. Dog mess on the pavement

7. Pot holes in the road

8. PPI texts

9. Drivers who take up two spaces

10. Getting stuck behind really slow drivers

What would make your top 10 annoyances? Text speak? People taking photos of their food? Teenagers wearing too much aftershave? Burgers not looking like their illustrative portraits on menus? Russell Howard?

Leave a comment for a vent.

Posted: 8th, July 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink