Fugitive caught after tweeting ‘catch me if you can’ (cough PRISM)
IMAGINE being a cocky criminal and going on the running, taunting authorities via Twitter yelling: “Catch me if you can!” Only one thing was ever going to happen wasn’t it?
You’re absolutely correct – Wanda Podgurski skipped her trial and mocked authorities in the States and ended up getting caught.
Last month, in her absence, Podgurski was sentenced to over 20 years in prison and fined over $1,000,000 for her various crimes. While legging it, she tweeted several times, including a sarcastic:
“Help find me before I con anyone else” and “On the run possibly in Iran”.
Now then. With PRISM-related worries going on, you have to assume that the authorities managed to get a hold of her whereabouts via the network, but naturally, no-one is willing to confess to such a thing, with the authorities declining to reveal the extent to which Podgurski’s Twitter account was involved in tracking her down.
There’s a possibility she was stupid enough to leave her location/GPS on, on her mobile.
Amusingly enough, Podgurski followed 32 other accounts on Twitter, including FBI branches and law enforcement authorities.
San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said: ”
The defendant in this case was brazen in both the large-scale fraud she committed and the way she mocked the criminal justice system.”
Watch a report below
Posted: 10th, July 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink