Want to see a bee give a pub drinker a high five – here you go
IF you wanted official confirmation of the British summer, then look no further than the fact that bees have started giving high-fives to shrieking, drunk humans.
Now, this may sound like some kind of hallucination, but there’s video evidence!
When bees aren’t making Honey Nut Loops, protecting their queen, vomiting honey and bumbling around like they’ve been drinking port all day, they’re picking up salutations from ’80s movies.
One fella, with a few beers inside him, decided (for some reason) to see if a bee would high five him while it was sat on a potato. And the drone was in a good mood, attempting to strike-up a friendship with screaming human.
“Is it alive then or what?” asks the man, before an exchange of high-fives.
Forget dogs who can shake-a-paw – we’re all about totally rad insects now. Have a look!
Posted: 18th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink