News anchor wears tampons for earrings
REMEMBER when Texas became the most stupid place on Earth after they decided they wanted to make women’s minds up for them concerning their wombs, and then, as further idiocy, confiscated tampons and the like at further hearings?
Well, Americans weren’t standing for it and told them to stop being dicks.
One brilliant little protest came from MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry, who decided to don a pair of tampon earrings. Of course, some of the online comments have been less than inspiring. Bust sourced these dubious gems.
“What a nasty skank.”
“The Left are psychotic.”
“You’re a dumb bitch!”
Melissa Harris-Perry said during a broadcast: “You weren’t allowed initially to bring tampons. So, just in case that ever happens again ladies, you can just bring them on your earrings.”
Have a look below.
Posted: 2nd, August 2013 | In: Strange But True, TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink