Prince George: The Daily Mirror fills pages with hate and love for Royal baby
HOW does the Daily Mirror report on Prince George? With confusion, covering all angles in a welter of hagiographic praise and anti-monarchical rants presented as Republicanism:
Today The People (the Mirror’s Sunday cousin) tells readers:
Prince William is to take newborn son George to Princess Diana’s grave at the Althorp estate, the Sunday People can reveal.
The emotional pilgrimage to Diana’s resting place at the Spencer family’s ancestral home will be made by Wills and wife Kate this autumn.
Why wait until autumn? Why a pilgrimage? The headline says he has made the trip a “vow”.
In other news on Prince George in today’s Mirror:
Anyone else think it bit off to call a week-old child a “bore”?
Posted: 28th, July 2013 | In: Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink