
Anorak News | Fire service announce weirdest things they’ve have to free idiots from

Fire service announce weirdest things they’ve have to free idiots from

by | 30th, July 2013

fire brigade penis

IT is hard enough, being a fireman/woman/person. You’ve got to breathe in loads of acrid smoke while your scalp melts, pulling humans out of infernos while fire cooks your marrow.

Add idiots to the equation and a firefighter’s life becomes infinitely more jarring.

Instead of letting the fire service do important things like save lives, morons ensure that our mighty firepeople have to do a bunch of stupid stuff. Forget cats getting stuck up trees – we’re talking about human beings getting caught in a variety of dimwitted scenarios.

As such, the London Fire Brigade has released a top ten list of weird things people have got themselves stuck in and needed to be rescued from by people who have much, much better things to do:

10. A man with his penis stuck in a toaster.

9. A child with a tambourine stuck on its head.

8. A child with its hand trapped in a sweet machine.

7. A child with its head trapped in an ironing board.

6 An adult stuck in a child’s toy car.

5. A child with its head stuck in a massage chair.

4. A man with his arm stuck in a portaloo.

3. Someone with a test tube stuck on their finger.

2. A child with its foot stuck in a brass vase.

1. A man with a sewing machine needle stuck in his finger.

Honestly. We should let these people just die.

Posted: 30th, July 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink