David Walliams hates it when people ‘come out’
THIS bizarrely Christian bit of the world we live in has made it difficult for anyone not-straight to do as they please. Quite why anyone would be interested in someone’s genital interest is a quandary. Surely religious types shouldn’t worry themselves about it all, shouting ‘GOD HATES FAGS’ and threatening people with damnation – surely, if God exists, he’ll sort it out when they die or hit sinner with a plague or something?
One sticky area (don’t be so dirty) is coming out. People worry that their parents will disown them, react badly or worse still, act all groovy and say something irritatingly twee about the Kinsey Scale.
And so, with that, David Walliams has decided to throw his oar in.
Of course, people look at Walliams like he’s gay already, mainly because he’s a bit camp (warning – not all gay people are camp men who like dressing up as funny ladies).
As such, he’s been quizzed about his own sexuality for years, not that anyone should give the vaguest of shits.
David, in the Radio Times, chunners on about wafting around in a silk kimono during his teens and playing the ladies in school plays, prompting his dad to call him “Davina”.
However, he’s happily married to supermodel Lara Stone (not that it will stop people pointlessly muttering ‘professional beard’) with a three-month-old baby son. If David’s son comes out, what would the comedic actor think?
David told Radio Times:
“I hate it when people ‘confess’ or ‘reveal’ their sexuality, and also things can change for people over the years.
“So it is about the person but I also think it goes beyond that. You don’t just fall in love with someone’s body, do you? You fall in love with someone’s soul and heart and brain.”
So there you have it. David Walliams thinks you shouldn’t come out. In fact, it would probably be better if you aim to hump every single person you meet. At least it broadens your net and stops you from being despairingly lonely, right?
Or, y’know, ignore David Walliams. He was in Come Fly With Me which was gruesome.
Posted: 4th, September 2013 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink