
Anorak News | Brother’s room turned 90 degrees in excellent prank

Brother’s room turned 90 degrees in excellent prank

by | 4th, September 2013

Tobias Mathijsen

PLAYING tricks on your siblings is one of the most noble pursuits in life. One Dutchman has taken things to a whole new level though, by turning his brother’s room on its side!

Dutch filmmaker Tobias Mathijsen previously made a viral video last year when he turned his brother’s room into a little girl’s room, complete with lovely pink walls and posters of Justin Bieber to drool over.

However, Tobias wasn’t done there.

In his latest video, Mathijsen flips his brother’s entire room 90 degrees, going to the trouble of replacing the carpet and nailing furniture to the walls.

His brother appears, after a long journey homeward, far from impressed with his new room, but admits that the prank is “pretty cool”.

Watch the video here and watch how well the poor little brother can take a preposterous joke.

Posted: 4th, September 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink